The Dade County Collector's Office provides the best possible service to the taxpayers of Dade County.
This site serves to assist you and provide information to better serve you.
By law, the County Collector must use any legal means to collect delinquent taxes. Dade County holds the annual Tax Sale on the 4th Monday in August at the Courthouse. Real Estate parcels with two years or more of delinquent taxes are offered at auction to recover the taxes due. Current tax bills are mailed to the taxpayers in November. Taxes are due by December 31. Payments placed in the mail must be postmarked by December 31 to avoid interest and penalties. Merchant Licenses are issued by the Collector. Renewal deadline for existing licenses is December 31. New businesses may contact the Collector’s office for more information.
Real Estate and Personal Property taxes are levied annually. Statements are mailed out in November. Tax payments are due by December 31 of each year. If paying by mail, the postmark determines the timeliness of payment. Payments received after the December 31st postmark must include penalty and interest charges. If a tax bill is not received by Dec 1, please contact the collector’s office. Failure to receive a tax bill does not relieve the obligation to pay taxes and applicable late fees. If you are paying taxes after December 31, please refer to the delinquent payment chart in the center of the statement.
The tax liability on real estate remains with the property. Taxes are a lien. When ownership changes, the new owner is most often liable for any unpaid taxes, unless other arrangements were made at the time of closing on purchase. On current ownership changes, generally the tax records will reflect the previous ownership. The new owner will need to call and request this statement if the previous owner did not forward the statement to you.
Taxes are assessed as of January 1. Taxes are due for the entire year regardless if the property is no longer owned or has been moved from Dade County. State law requires that personal property taxes be paid before license plates on a vehicle can be issued or renewed. The Department of Revenue License Bureau accepts a paid tax receipt to verify that taxes have been paid.
You can pay online through our online bill pay website.
The functionality of the online payment process relies on several systems and electronic devices; therefore, the availability of the online payment system cannot be guaranteed at all times. The Dade County Collector's Office encourages taxpayers wishing to pay their taxes online to do so in a timely manner before midnight, December 31. Any tax payment not received by the due date will be subject to applicable late penalties and fees.
For answers to any questions concerning paying your taxes online,
please contact the Collector's Office at 417-238-2400, 8-4 Monday-Friday.
You may MAIL your payments to:
Dade County Collector
300 W. Water Street
Greenfield, MO 65661

Please note: We can not accept credit card payments by mail or phone.
Follow the link below to research tax statements & pay taxes.
Dade County Courthouse
300 W. Water Street
Greenfield, MO 65661
8:00 to 4:00 Monday-Friday
Missouri Law, 150.010 RSMo 1994, indicates that every person, corporation, co-partnership or association of persons, who deals in selling goods, wares, and merchandise at any store, stand or place occupied for that purpose, is a merchant.
If you answer yes to any of the items on the check list below, you need a merchant license.
If your business is within a city limit you should also check with that city for their licensing requirements.
Yes! If you reside in Dade County but engage in or conduct a temporary or transient business of selling goods, you must have a Merchant’s License, providing you meet the other requirements on the checklist.
Call our office at 417-238-2400 or come by and we will help you through the process. You may also complete your application online at the Dade County Collector site. After you complete the application, attach a copy of your sales tax ID and a check for $25.00. You may mail it or drop it off in the Collector’s Office.
Dade County Collector
300 W. Water Street
Greenfield, MO 65661
License fees are NOT prorated if issued for a partial year.
If your business is within a city limit you should also check with that city for their licensing requirements.
Please use this form for address changes.
Thank you for submitting your change of address.
Download the Change of Address form and mail to:
Dade County Collector
300 W. Water Street
Greenfield, MO 65661
If you move or change interested parties or your address and do not notify us, we cannot forward bills to you. The failure of the taxpayer to receive the tax notice in NO case relieves the taxpayer of any tax liability imposed by law.
The waiting period for Third Offerings are different. Properties are sold to the highest bidder. It must cover the taxes, interest, penalties, and costs under section 140.250 RSMo with a 90 day redemption period.
Person who redeems must pay all costs of the sale including interest not to exceed ten percent on the delinquent amount, eight percent interest on all subsequent paid taxes, and the cost to file a release of the Certificate of Purchase.
Jarromy O'Connor
300 W. Water Street
Greenfield, MO 65661